Domaine de Sahil

Table d’hôtes

Every evening, only on booking at least 24h in advance

Let yourself be tempted by the cuisine of Isabelle at Domaine de Sahil.

Every evening, you can enjoy a meal at the Domaine based on a cuisine made from local products from local markets.
An important place is made to the products resulting from organic agriculture.

This meal, served one-on-one or shared at a large table with customers of the
guest house, includes three dishes (starter, main course and dessert).
The before meal, consisting of appetizers and a glass of sparkling wine from
local grapes, you will open the appetite!

Gourmet menu (30€)

  • a glass of sparkling
  • accompanied by appetizers
  • a starter
  • a main course
  • a dessert
  • drinks in extra

Children’s menu (13€)

(up to 12 years old)

  • a main course
  • a dessert
  • drinks in extra

Domaine de Sahil
38 chemin de la Claudière
41140 Saint-Romain-sur-Cher
Centre-Val de Loire | France

Tél : +33 2 54 75 82 09

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